Van Diest Medical Center proudly offers pain management services to patients with chronic pain conditions, helping them find relief once and for all. We offer a range of interventional procedures as well as medication management and behavioral health. We treat all pain conditions including back pain, neck pain, extremity pain and headaches.

Our trusted providers develop personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific requirements and needs. Treatment is provided by Non-Surgical Pain Management –Certified (NSPM-C) CRNAs on an outpatient basis, rendering a safe and effective pain relief alternative to more invasive treatment options. If we are unable to eliminate pain, we will work to help you manage it and improve quality of life. Our ultimate goal is to improve patients overall function and well-being.

Pain treatment may include:
  • Medication management
  • Physical therapy
  • Mental health referral
  • Pain injections
  • Integrative medicine therapies 
Meet the Team

Shawn Tulp, CRNA
Shawn Tulp, RN, MS, ARNP, CRNA, NSPM-C

Richard Y. Jacobson Jr., DNP, CRNA

Patients are treated in the Pain Clinic on Fridays by appointment only.

Call 515.832.7746 and schedule your appointment today.